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London still popular with overseas property investors

A recent report shows that central London as one of the true global cities is still a safe haven for overseas investors. The report highlights that a total of £3.85bn of central London property comprising 58 assets has been brought to the market so far this year. Around £2.30bn of Read More

Gerald Ronson puts property developers on the endangered list

Leading developer Gerald Ronson has warned that property developers are ‘on the endangered list’ and has challenged banks to support development. It is indeed true that although the banks have reached a certain stability in themselves, it is time that they also take a little responsibility for regenerating the property Read More

The Thames Gateway is forecast to outperform other regions

A report commissioned by the London Thames Gateway Corporation predicts that Thames Gateway’s economy will grow at three times the rate of the UK’s until 2013. In the Thames Gateway area, total returns in the second quarter of 2009 were -0.5%, stronger than the -2.2% figure for the UK as Read More

Unsustainable commercial property recovery, says Ernst & Young’s Item Club

The influential research group says that, although UK commercial property prices rose by 3% in December — their highest monthly rise in 23 years — the chance of a sustained recovery in 2010 and beyond is unlikely. We agree with the sentiments of this report. This also highlights the need, Read More

Land Securities commit to 3 west end office schemes

Land Securities have given the west end office market a large boost by committing to 3 large office, mixed use and residential schemes in the West End and Victoria. None of the developments has a pre let, which sends out an even stronger message to the market. Land Securities clearly Read More

Patrick Fox – Video Star

Patrick was asked to appear in a video on the Telegraph website discussing the property research database we use. Source:

The office market in the South East

The office market in the South East is set for a very testing year, but with 2009’s last quarter’s take up figures due out shortly, it is widely expected that they will confirm 2009 as one of the worst office market’s in our lifetime. 2010 should be a better year Read More

The Investment Market

The investment market seems to have quickly returned to crazy levels of activity in London and the south east of England again. The sheer weight of money chasing product is one factor, but as usual this market is out of sync with occupational demand, which is at an all time Read More

In today’s Times

In today’s Times, Monday December 2009, the government have stated that to help bring public finances back into line, they intend to save £10 billion through cutting quangos and Whitehall costs. This reminds us of the Lyons report and the Gershin reports of 2004. We wonder whether those relocation and Read More

The Christmas Period

The Christmas period is fast approaching and everybody says it is a quiet time for them as not much gets done in December, as the party season kicks into gear. Not for us, with 6 office transactions to do before we finish for Christmas, 2 of which we have got Read More

Office Locations

London Office
Bray Fox Smith
2nd Floor
Prince Frederick House
35-39 Maddox Street
London W1S 2PP

T: +44 (0) 20 7629 5456

Milton Keynes Office
Bray Fox Smith
Studio B/G – Witan Studios
Witan Gate
Milton Keynes

T: +44 (0) 1908 061260

Richmond Office
Bray Fox Smith
11-13 Worple Way
TW10 6DG

T: 07917 526 855

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