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Central London offices likely to outperform in spite of stall in property values

Helical Bar’s Mike Slade has made it clear that he expects to see outperformance in Central London offices and larger residential projects. His company is now ready to capitalise on development opportunities that offer strong growth and income potential, in a situation where property values are stalling.

Sustained interest in occupier enquiries, says McKay Securities

McKay Securities, the specialist South East real estate investor, has recently stated that the lettings market remains challenging, but that the interest in occupier enquiries has sustained in the past few months. It also says that there are some encouraging signs of enquiries converting into lettings in its markets outside Read More

Thames Valley office market forecast

The Thames Valley office market has seen a pickup in leasing activity in the second quarter. Major lettings in the region in the past few weeks and the recent 1.1m sq ft office space placed under offer are indicators of the current market situation. This shows that the market has Read More

Bray Fox Smith & friends host England – Slovenia party

Bray Fox Smith, together with GKA Design, Montagu Evans and world-famous PR consultancy Porterfield got together at The Audley Arms last Wednesday for a special screening of the England-Slovenia match. Over 75 guests and hosts watched the deciding group match over beer and nibbles. The party was, as the outcome Read More

Reading Pre-let Boosts Thames Valley Office Market

The beleaguered Thames Valley office market has been given a much needed boost today with news of a major pre-let at the Pru’s Green Park on the outskirts of Reading. Quintiles, the world’s largest pharmaceuticals group, has signed a deal to take 120,000 sq ft offices at £27 per sq Read More

Helical Bar repositions for major development

Helical Bar, the well-known property development and investment group’s latest results show an increase in the value of its investment properties by 7.9% over the past year. This 7.9% increase translates into a rise of £13.1m, as shown by the preliminary results for year ending March 31, 2010. Chief Executive Read More

Mixed views on property recovery

A report by the Investment Property Databank shows that growth in the property industry has sunk to a 10-month low. This follows research from over a month ago that suggested that the strength of London’s economy has led to a recovery in commercial property rental values nine months earlier than Read More

Double letting success for IVG at Capability Green, Luton

IVG UK Ltd, represented by Bray Fox Smith and Savills, has concluded two new lettings at 500 Capability Green in Luton to Northgate Arinso (UK) Ltd and Bay Restaurants respectively. Human resources software and services provider, Northgate Arinso (UK), has taken a new 10-year lease on the second floor east Read More

London still popular with overseas property investors

A recent report shows that central London as one of the true global cities is still a safe haven for overseas investors. The report highlights that a total of £3.85bn of central London property comprising 58 assets has been brought to the market so far this year. Around £2.30bn of Read More

Gerald Ronson puts property developers on the endangered list

Leading developer Gerald Ronson has warned that property developers are ‘on the endangered list’ and has challenged banks to support development. It is indeed true that although the banks have reached a certain stability in themselves, it is time that they also take a little responsibility for regenerating the property Read More

Office Locations

London Office
Bray Fox Smith
2nd Floor
Prince Frederick House
35-39 Maddox Street
London W1S 2PP

T: +44 (0) 20 7629 5456

Milton Keynes Office
Bray Fox Smith
Studio B/G – Witan Studios
Witan Gate
Milton Keynes

T: +44 (0) 1908 061260

Richmond Office
Bray Fox Smith
11-13 Worple Way
TW10 6DG

T: 07917 526 855

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