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Bray Fox Smith – Charity Clothes Drive

BFS Charity Clothes Drive


Thank you to all of the team at Bray Fox Smith for your kind donations of clothes to help various charities this winter!

We also raised some cash funds which have been donated to Crisis Charity for their Christmas appeal.


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Office Locations

London Office
Bray Fox Smith
2nd Floor
Prince Frederick House
35-39 Maddox Street
London W1S 2PP

T: +44 (0) 20 7629 5456

Milton Keynes Office
Bray Fox Smith
Studio B/G – Witan Studios
Witan Gate
Milton Keynes

T: +44 (0) 1908 061260

Richmond Office
Bray Fox Smith
11-13 Worple Way
TW10 6DG

T: 07917 526 855

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