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EGI Radius Rankings!

BrayFoxSmith are delighted to be the top of the EGI Radius rankings for office lettings across the South East and East of England for 2024! A big thanks to our clients for their continued support!


1737463823933?e=1741824000&v=beta&t=7cuh kK1dXequqkr73XwNeH3B8wtxLikzb1O8uP9JUo - EGI Radius Rankings!


1737463823940?e=1741824000&v=beta&t=6LxFrsU wS1VvwOts4ghofKK4OzAPXPG1NKoFNrN270 - EGI Radius Rankings!


Office Locations

London Office
Bray Fox Smith
2nd Floor
Prince Frederick House
35-39 Maddox Street
London W1S 2PP

T: +44 (0) 20 7629 5456

Milton Keynes Office
Bray Fox Smith
Studio B/G – Witan Studios
Witan Gate
Milton Keynes

T: +44 (0) 1908 061260

Richmond Office
Bray Fox Smith
11-13 Worple Way
TW10 6DG

T: 07917 526 855

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